
Find out what's happening here at PMC and stay up to date with the developments in the car industry

May 2019

Newsletter Launch

We're excited to launch our monthly Newsletter!

March 2019

GYS Training

One of our employees attended the GYS Training Academy in Laval, France for a 2-day intensive Car Body and Welding Systems training

February 2019
June 2018

World Cup Promotion

We are happy to announce or World Cup Promotion. Please click on the "Promotions" tab to check out the latest deals!

Major Site Update

Our new website design is officially launched. We are busy finishing up everything. We hope you like it.

Training Center Opening

We have opened our new training facility in Riyadh. Now we do not only offer On Job Training but are also able to host our product trainings technical and non-technical trainings.

February 2016

Sales Manager for Central & Eastern Region

As PMC objective to reach prospective and potential customers in providing SMART Solution in Automotive problems. A new Sales Manager was hired to attend on their problem and the needs as well in Central and Eastern Region of the Kingdom.